Repair and Diagnostic Report for Insurance Claims and Warranty Claims

Regular price $49.99

Price May Vary In Between $49.99 to $89.99

We write insurance reports for many types of Home or Office electronic computer devices!

Need help in eliminating the frustrations of dealing with your Insurer for a damaged computer? Give the team at Cellular Geeks a call!{+1 (972) 352-9439}

Our technician on the day will write up a clear and concise report so that your insurer has the complete picture. It’s this report that will make the whole claim process that much more easier.

We write insurance reports for many types of home or office electronic computer devices! Quick, convenient and super affordable, we’re here to help you make your claim, minus the stress!

As quickly as the incident happened we can get you back up on your feet. So if the insurance company is feeling generous and decides to replace your PC we can even help setup your new one and transfer your information across!